Breeze villas
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  • Vilken typ av boende kan du erbjuda (t.ex. villa, lägenhet, etc.)?
  • Hur särskiljer sig ditt semesterboende? Vad gör det unikt? Vilka är höjdpunkterna (t.ex. pool, bergsutsikt, etc.)?
  • Vilka är de viktigaste fakta för ditt boende (t.ex. sovrum, lämpligt för hur många personer, kök, stil)?
  • Hur ser ditt område ut? Vilken är den viktigaste närliggande attraktionen (t.ex. tillgång till strand, skidbackar, etc.)?

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Generellt så rekommenderar vi att man visar recensioner på hemsidan, det hjälper till att bygga upp trovärdighet och tillit, till exempel:

  • En recension ifrån en ledande resesida (e.g. from tripadvisor)
  • Ett certifikat från ett ledande organ
  • Ett uttalande eller gästboksinlägg ifrån en tidigare gäst
  • Ett certifikat som visar på medlemskap i en organisation (t.ex. VRMA)

What guests are saying

James- Just spent the most amazing week at this beautiful villa. The epitome of luxury and privacy
I couldn’t have found a better place to spend our honeymoon. The owners were really helpful and did everything they could to help in any way they could. They also organised a private yacht excursion for us.

Dana- If it were closer, I would book it several times a summer! Exceptional location on the seashore, an enchanting view, the beach is not shared with anyone, generous yard with open spaces in the shade and the sun. The villa is spacious, clean, has everything you need to feel good!

Mircea- What can I say, except that I am in love with this location. A house equipped with everything you want for a pleasant stay. All rooms have air conditioning. the house is very clean. It can accommodate 3 families with 2 children each or 10 people, easily. The house is equipped with a gas grill in the yard and an electric grill in the gazebo on the beach. Dishwasher, washing machine, oven and electric stove. Large fridge and freezer. Wine fridge. 2 generous terraces, one upstairs and one downstairs with a large table for 8 people. The beach is private with a sensational view. The level of the sea water is very small for a distance of 150 meters, excellent for children to play without problems. There is a place set up on the beach with a table and benches where you can admire an extraordinary sunrise.

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